Our First move to Going Green!

Organisations are currently struggling to work with the government, shareholders and the local community to ensure they are able to meet their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) targets. Many organisations believe what they are currently doing in regards to making sure they minimise waste and ensure a better future for the next generation is enough to keep them going and essentially keep the local community and shareholders happy. Corporate Social Responsibility isn’t something you do once or twice or take one step to make yourself look better; it’s something all organisations should be always working. Looking for ways to improve their business processes to ensure lower waste or ensure the resources you do use are in one way or another given back to the community.

One of the more recent changes Mega Fortris have made is a change which is a tough one for most organisations and in fact many organisations may actually steer away from this as it has a direct impact on their customers. However after careful consideration Mega Fortris has decided to place a greener future before our own customers. Now you may be wondering what this change is, well let us explain.

When Mega Fortris deliver their High Quality Security Seals to their customers, not all of them know exactly how to use the seal correctly; and so as a kind gesture we were providing all customers with Paper Based locking instructions to show them how to place a seal on correctly. However after an in-depth analysis we have decided Mega Fortris will no longer be providing paper based locking instructions for customers with their seals.

Instead we have decided to place all locking instructions online, where all customers will be able to access these via a QR Code we provide them with along with the seals. Now you must be thinking “Well! Yes I guess it’s a start however will it make much of a difference?” Allow us to explain, Mega Fortris provide over 2.5 million seals per year; now if you think about all the different customers these get distributed to is an overwhelming figure. So though it may seem like a small step it makes a HUGE difference in the amount of paper we use, ensuring fewer trees are cut.

Though the customers may believe it makes the process a little longer for them to gain locking instructions, we believe otherwise. This is because now that we have placed all locking instructions online all customers are able to access these wherever and whenever they wish to view them.

In essence Mega Fortris have had to make big changes to make this happen and we hope to see a greener future for Mega Fortris and we also urge others to take however small step towards becoming an environmentally friendly organisation.

At Mega Fortris we do not claim to be the guru’s of going environmentally friendly, nor do we believe we are the only ones trying to make a change. We simply believe any step an organisation takes towards becoming environmentally friendly should be supported through a Top Down view; Meaning many Senior Executives within organisation believe they are going green by ensuring they place limitations on wastage and resources being used on the people at the bottom of the hierarchy. But forget to follow the rules themselves. However at Mega Fortris we believe in more of a Top Down view where the senior executives themselves have made changes in their own processes. Then also brought changes in the rest of the business to ensure the organisation as a whole are working towards a more environmentally friendly organisation.

We promise to continuously work towards becoming even more environmentally friendly and make Corporate Social Responsibility a major task within the business process.