At the beginning of the pandemic, we saw that the emphasis on Industry 4.0 increased exponentially, which was motivated by the necessity for automated and digitized environments within our businesses. Another factor which was brought into sharp focus during this time was ESG and the realization that business activities impact the environmental, social and governance factors. The fragility of these environments during a pandemic has made ESG a hot topic for investors and companies alike, making it a top business priority in 2021 and driving strategy for 2022 and beyond.
At Mega Fortris, we believe that ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is an intrinsic part of our future moving forward. The key difficulty for business leaders is not just determining the correct ESG objectives, but also ensuring that they are ingrained in the company’s culture which goes beyond mandatory reporting mechanisms.
ESG is a wave which is here to stay and Mega Fortris is investing resources in creating a holistic Strategy for our group. In 2022, it is predicted that companies would face more challenges on operational issues, such as how consumer packaging or plastics are used. Presently, the UK is now mandating that all plastic packaging used must include 30% recycled plastic or be subjected to a Plastic Packaging Tax, which will be rolled out and implemented in April 2022. Our group is working hard in ensuring the sustainability of our products while keeping the high quality of our security seals and tamper-evident bags.